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Exceptional Screenplays Discovered

Connecting screenwriters and industry professionals

Coverfly is the industry's largest database of screenplays and competition placements, searchable by industry pros who are looking for fresh talent. We only accept the top writing programs and fellowships on our platform.

Coverfly-exclusive screenwriting programs mentioned in:

Top Contests/Programs Only

There aren't hundreds of screenwriting programs on Coverfly - and that's by design. We curate the most reputable talent discovery programs in one place and make it easy to apply to them in just a few clicks.

Coverfly Score

Your Coverfly Score is the weighted average of all your screenplay's contest and coverage performance, across most major industry writing competitions, industry lists, coverage services and hosting services. 

An Easier Discovery Platform

Coverfly automatically collects all your screenwriting contest and script coverage entries and scores in one place. Your screenplay can then be discovered by our carefully vetted network of hundreds of working industry professionals.

Peer-to-Peer Script Notes

Exchange screenplay notes with other writers on Coverfly’s peer script exchange, coverflyX.

Open Writing Assignments

Submit your scripts directly to producers that are looking for a specific type of project.

Your Own Writer Profile

Create and share your writer profile with the industry and the world in just a few clicks.

A curated selection of Hollywood's top screenwriting programs all in one place:

Curated, Trusted Contests Only

We do our homework on contests, fellowships, and labs before inviting them to Coverfly. We know the administrators on a first name basis. We know their evaluation process and scoring structure. We reach out to and interview their past winners to ensure they're delivering the value they promise.

There's no "sign up" form for programs that want to be on Coverfly. Their administrators have to talk with us and go through an application process to be listed here - and we only accept organizations we trust.

For more on Coverfly's vision, read this memo from the co-founder.

Track All Your Entries
in One Place

Coverfly automatically collects your screenwriting contest and script coverage entries and scores from multiple top contests and coverage services, all in one place, to let the industry see your history of successes! You can conveniently submit, track and re-submit to multiple contests and coverages services with a few clicks.

Coverfly Score

Your Coverfly Score is the weighted average of all your screenplay’s contest and coverage performance, across most major industry writing competitions, coverage services and hosting services. For instance, you can automatically import your projects’ scores from The Academy Nicholl Fellowship, ScreenCraft and many more! All this will be collected to calculate your Coverfly Score which can be viewed by Hollywood professionals who are looking for good screenplays and emerging screenwriters.

A Better Discovery Platform. Free.

Show off your project's accolades on our Industry Dashboard and let your screenplay be discovered by our carefully vetted network of hundreds of working industry professionals, including agents, managers, producers and studio executives.

You can see how many people view your profile, read your logline or download your script. And you can be as private or public as you like. Scripts can only be downloaded by industry professionals if you opt to allow them to be downloaded via your privacy settings.

The best part? Listing your script is 100% free.

Peer-to-Peer Script Notes

The coverflyX script exchange allows users to give or receive peer script notes with other writers on Coverfly via a free token-bidding system. Readers have five days upon claiming feedback to complete their notes, which consist of 300 words on the strengths of the script, 300 words on the weaknesses of the script, and an optional section for any additional thoughts.

Coverfly gave our screenplay valuable exposure to industry management. After years of hard work, it was through Coverfly that we were introduced to our manager. Not only was the Coverfly staff amazingly proactive, they were communicative every step of the way, which is a blessing for emerging screenwriters.

Colin Dalvit & Andrew LahmannScreenwriters

People have been handing me scripts and pitching me movie ideas for years. Having one central database to find the best projects that already have coverage and are pre-vetted by professional readers is amazing.

Steven StablerFilm and Television Producer

Coverfly brings much-needed organization to an antiquated Hollywood system and eliminates the hassle of having to sift through the clutter of material and does all the work for you.

Ryan M. MurphyProducer

Through Coverfly I was contacted by a producer, and thanks to Coverfly, I feel fortunate to be working with someone I trust. Coverfly's outreach efforts on behalf of screenwriters is invaluable in navigating the often challenging process of matching a great screenplay with a great home.

Patrick ByrneScreenwriter

Coverfly gave my script the industry visibility it needed to connect with producers who wanted to read my script, furthering my writing career. They have been generous with their time, advice, and have connected me with life-changing opportunities.

Cat DaleScreenwriter

To get started, simply enter any Coverfly-qualifying screenwriting competition or script coverage service!

Once you've uploaded a project to one contest or coverage service, you can easily submit it to others, all from one place!

See My Dashboard
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